Thursday 11 October 2012

Blogging Academia

It has become apparent to me that the digital age we live in requires academia to find new outlets to voice its research. An area which I am quite interested in, in relation to this idea is the Blog.
Since doing my Pecha Kucha presentation on the importance of the blog as a new form of academic research, I have begun to gather together an array of Blogs which I find quite useful for keeping up to date with areas that I am interested in.
Below I will provide a list of links to some of these Blogs:

These are just a few of the blogs that I have being keeping up to date with. Although I realise that some of them are not strictly academically based blogs, I think that the quality of the work being put onto these websites makes them a valuable, rich resource for research.The blog can be a useful tool for framing research and contextualising it in modern society. In terms of digital humanities, I can envision the blog becoming a very important part of the research and publishing process within an academic sphere within the next few years.

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